CDs / DVDs

Currently, I have three audio CDs available.

  1. Body Scan/ Sitting Meditation

The Body Scan is a guided meditation. Penetrating the body, part by part with the mind. This meditation helps us to get a “felt sense” of our body and allows the organic self regulation to assist in our cultivating of calm abiding.

Sitting Meditation is a guided meditation observing the body, breath, sound, thoughts, and choiceless awareness practice, awareness of the present moment.

  1. Yoga practice

This guided yoga practice is in two parts — one session in lying poses and one session for standing poses.

These two CDs are used in Mindfulness (MBSR) classes.

$20/ CD or $30/ set

  1. Healing Meditations

a. Working with Pain

This CD uses guided imagery and healing music in thebackground to cultivate techniques to ease our pain.

b. Lovingkindness

This CD is designed to help cultivate lovingkindness in ourself and in others using guided imagery.


Please contact me with questions or for details to purchase one or several for your classes.

People think the aim of yoga is to stand on your head or do some poses but that is not the aim. The aim of yoga is to calm the mind. The integration of body, mind, and spirit.

- Swami Satchidaananda